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Stranded On An Island

Stranded On An Island is a rogue-lite narrative survival game on mobile 📱 and PC 🖥️.
You play the role of a survivor among a group of castaways on a desert island 🏝️.
In addition to the traditional mechanics of a survival game, such as managing needs, crafting, harvesting resources, there will be a new brick ⚙️.
The other survivors in the group are embodied by artificial intelligence that is capable of feeling emotions, having relational intelligence and acting collectively with the player 🧠.
Each character in the game is unique, with its own moral code and history 📖.
He will react differently to a situation depending on his emotional state, his relationship with his interlocutor 💬.
The direct consequence of this is that you also have to survive in the face of others ☠️.
What happens if you're unpopular and food runs out 🍖?
The game ends when the player dies or manages to escape the island 🏠.
With each new run, the characters change, multiplying the story entries to make each game unique 🤩.

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